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Continue ShoppingThe Voice of Reason
By Ayn Rand
Edited and with additional essays by Leonard Peikoff.
Ayn Rand addresses topics as varied as a "fairness doctrine" for education, sexual psychology, and the values personified by Marilyn Monroe.
Leonard Peikoff addresses topics in education such as The American School: Why Johnny Can't Think.
Peter Schwartz addresses the topic of Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty.
Table of Contents
Introduction by Leonard Peikoff
Part One: Philosophy
1. Introducing Objectivism
2. Review of Aristotle by John Herman Randall, Jr.
3. To Young Scientists
4. Who Is the Final Authority in Ethics?
5. The Psychology of Psychologizing
6. Altruism as Appeasement
7. The Question of Scholarships
8. Of Living Death
9. Religion vs. America by Leonard Peikoff
Part Two: Culture
10. The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Our Age
11. Our Cultural Value-Deprivation
12. Global Balkanization
13. How to Read (and Not to Write)
14. The Lessons of Vietnam
15. The Sanction of the Victims
16. Through Your Most Grievous Fault
17. Apollo 11
18. Epitaph for a Culture
19. Assault from the Ivory Tower: The Professor’s War Against America by Leonard Peikoff
20. The American School: Why Johnny Can’t Think by Leonard Peikoff
Part Three: Politics
21. Representation Without Authorization
22. To Dream the Noncommercial Dream
23. Tax Credits for Education
24. Antitrust: The Rule of Unreason
25. The Pull Peddlers
26. About a Woman President
27. The Inverted Moral Priorities
28. Hunger and Freedom
29. How Not to Fight Against Socialized Medicine
30. Medicine: The Death of a Profession by Leonard Peikoff
31. Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty by Peter Schwartz
Epilogue. My Thirty Years With Ayn Rand: An Intellectual Memoir by Leonard Peikoff
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